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加拿大 Canada



North America.Area: 3,849,674 sq mi (9,970,610 sq km). Population (2002 est.): 31,244,000. Capital: Ottawa. People of British and French descent constitute more than half the population; there are significant minorities of German, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Dutch, American Indian, and Inuit (Eskimo) origin. Languages: English, French (both official). Religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism (United Church of Canada, Anglican Church of Canada). Currency: Canadian dollar. Canada may be divided into several physiographic regions. A large interior basin centred on Hudson Bay and covering nearly four-fifths of the country is composed of the Canadian Shield, the interior plains, and the Great LakesCSt. Lawrence lowlands. Rimming the basin are highland regions, including the Arctic Archipelago. Mountain ranges include the Rocky, Coast, and Laurentian mountains. Canada's highest peak is Mount Logan in Yukon Territory. Five of Canada's rivers

the St. Lawrence, Mackenzie, Yukon, Fraser, and Nelson

rank among the world's 40 largest. In addition to Lakes Superior and Huron, both shared with the U.S., Canada's Great Bear and Great Slave lakes are among the world's 11 largest lakes. The country also includes several major islands, including Baffin, Ellesmere, Victoria, Newfoundland, and Melville, and many small ones. Its border with the U.S., the longest demilitarized border in the world, extends 3,987 miles (6,415 km). With a developed market economy that is export-directed and closely linked with that of the U.S., Canada is one of the world's most prosperous countries. It is a parliamentary state with two legislative houses; its chief of state is the British monarch, whose representative is Canada's governor-general, and the head of government is the prime minister. Originally inhabited by American Indians and Inuit, Canada was visited с AD 1000 by Scandinavian explorers, whose discovery is confirmed by archaeological evidence from Newfoundland. Fishing expeditions off Newfoundland by the English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese began as early as 1500. The French claim to Canada was made in 1534 when Jacques Cartier entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A small settlement was made in Nova Scotia (Arcadia) in 1605, and by 1608 Samuel de Champlain had reached Quebec. Fur trading was the impetus behind the early colonizing efforts. In response to French activity, the English in 1670 formed the Hudson's Bay Company. The British-French rivalry for the interior of upper North America lasted almost a century. The first French loss occurred in 1713 at the conclusion of Queen Anne's War (War of the Spanish Succession), when Nova Scotia and Newfoundland were ceded to the British. The Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) resulted in France's expulsion from continental North America in 1763. After the American Revolution Canada's population was augmented by loyalists fleeing the United States, and the increasing number arriving in Quebec led the British to divide the colony into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791. The British reunited the two provinces in 1841. Canadian expansionism resulted in the confederation movement of the mid 19th century, and in 1867 the Dominion of Canada, comprising Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario, came into existence. After confederation, Canada entered a period of westward expansion. The prosperity that accompanied Canada into the 20th century was marred by continuing conflict between the English and French communities. Through the Statute of Westminster (1931), Canada was recognized as an equal partner of Great Britain. With the Canada Act of 1982, the British gave Canada total control over its constitution and severed the remaining legal connections between the two countries. French Canadian unrest continued to be a major concern, with a movement growing for Quebec separatism in the late 20th century. Referendums for more political autonomy for Quebec were rejected in 1992 and 1995, but the issue remained unresolved. In 1999 Canada formed the new territory of Nunavut.

The capital of the second biggest country on the planet, OTTAWA struggles with its reputation as a bureaucratic labyrinth of little charm and character. The problem is that many Canadians who aren't federal employees C and even some who are C blame the city for all the country's woes. All too aware of this, the Canadian government have spent lashings of dollars to turn Ottawa into a city of urban grace in which all Canadians can take pride C so goes the promotional literature, but predictably this very investment is often resented. Furthermore, the hostility is deeply rooted, dating back as far as 1857 when Queen Victoria, inspired by some genteel watercolours, declared Ottawa the capital, leaving Montréal and Toronto smarting at their rebuff.

In truth, Ottawa is neither grandiose nor tedious, but a lively cosmopolitan city of 330,000 with a clutch of outstanding national museums, a pleasant riverside setting and superb cultural facilities like the National Arts Centre, plus acres of parks and gardens and miles of bicycle and jogging paths. It also possesses lots of good hotels and B&Bs and a busy café-bar and restaurant scene C enough to keep the most diligent sightseer going for a day or three, maybe more. Here too, for once in English-speaking Ontario, Canada's bilingual laws make sense: Québec's Hull is just across the river and on the streets of Ottawa you'll hear as much French as English.




Canada is the world's longest coastline in the country. The southern border with the United States, the 8,892-km-long border. Across the northern part of the sea with Russia. As the cold northern climate, only 12% of the land suitable for farming. Therefore, most of Canada's 30 million people live in a mild climate, a few hundred kilometers from the southern boundary of the strip of territory, especially with the United States bordering the lakes and St. Lawrence region, flat, fertile land and rich natural resources. Canada is the most densely populated, most concentrated in the industrial and agricultural areas. Canadian lakes. If Xiatianfei over Northern Ontario or Manitoba, you will see the water than on land, and countless large and small lakes. According to estimates, Canada has the world's seventh volume of fresh water. In addition to the lakes connected with the United States and Canada, there are also many rivers. Canada is a very rich amount of rain and snow in the country have access to adequate water, trees and crops. thus grow lush busy. And pomegranate, a dazzling Xuefeng scenery is world-renowned. Canada's forest cover to 44% of the nation's total area, after Russia and Brazil, ranking third in the world. Canada is rich in mineral resources, is a world apart from the United States and Russia, one of the biggest mines. Canada has five geographical regions. Is the eastern Atlantic regions, the central area, grassland, the west coast region and the northern areas. Eastern areas to fisheries, agriculture, forest, mining, etc.; The central provinces of Ontario and Quebec is the most densely populated areas, Canada accounted for three-quarters of the industry are located here. Savanna including Manitoba. Saskatchewan moderate Alberta province, where flat land is fertile and rich in energy resources. British west coast region, is a famous mountain and forest areas, timber, fruits, rich in marine resources and other assets; from the northern Yukon and Northwest Territories district composed abounds in oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. History : the former residence of the Indians and Inuit. Into the 16th century, the British colonial government, and then he was ceded to Britain. 1867, the British Canadian province of New Brunswick as a joint federal and provincial Nuowasike homes. Britain became the first Dominion. Since then, other provinces are joining the Federation. 1926, the British recognized the increase of equal status, plus the right to receive independent diplomacy. In 1931 and became member of the Commonwealth, the Board has agreed with the British Council equal legislative powers, but no constitutional amendment rights. 1982, Britain's Queen signed the Constitution Act of Canada, Canadian Parliament was constitutional, the power of revising the constitution. Politics : 1867 federal Since then, progress by the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party in power rotation. 1993, the Liberal Party won the 35th federal parliament elections, as Prime Minister Jean Chretien. 1997,2000 election, the Liberal Party won consecutive Croatia sending you. In November 2003, Paul Martin was elected the new leader of the Liberal Party, in December, Chretien announced retirement. Prime Minister Martin successor. Martin came to power after the government health care, education innovation, and urban construction. enhance Canada's economic competitiveness and international status as a top priority. The Liberal Party government in March 2004 burst out corruption scandal, support rating was lowered to the lowest point in 10 years. June, plus the election, the Liberal Party, won re-election with Prime Minister Paul Martin.






加拿大有五大地理區。分別是東部大西洋區、中部區、草原區、西海岸地區和北部區。東部區以漁業、農業、森林、 采礦業等為主;中部的安大略和魁北克省是人口最密集的地區,占加拿大四分之三的制造業都位于這里;草原區包括曼尼托巴、薩斯喀徹溫和阿爾伯達省,這里土地平坦肥沃,能源資源豐富。西海岸區是卑詩省,是著名的山區和森林區,木材、水果、海洋資產等資源豐富;北部區由育空和西北領地組成,盛產石油、天然氣、金、鉛和鋅。

歷史:原為印第安人與因紐特人居住地。16 世紀淪為法、英殖民地,后又被法割讓給英國。1867年,英將加拿大省、新不倫瑞克省和諾瓦斯科舍省合并為一個聯邦,成為英國最早的自治領。此后,其它省也陸續加入聯邦。1926年,英國承認加的“平等地位”,加始獲外交獨立權。1931年,成為英聯邦成員國,其議會也獲得了同英議會平等的立法權,但仍無修憲權。1982年,英國女王簽署《加拿大憲法法案》,加議會獲得立憲、修憲的全部權力。

政治: 1867年建立聯邦以來,基本上由自由黨和進步保守黨輪流執政。1993年,自由黨在第35屆聯邦議會大選中獲勝,克雷蒂安就任總理。1997、2000年大選中,自由黨連續獲勝,克蟬聯執政。2003年11月,保羅?馬丁當選自由黨新領袖,12月,克雷蒂安宣布退休,馬丁繼任總理。馬丁政府上臺后將醫療保健、教育創新、加強城市建設、提升加經濟競爭力和國際地位等列為施政重點。2004年3月自由黨政府爆出腐敗丑聞,支持率一度降至10年來最低點。6月,加舉行大選,自由黨再次獲勝,馬丁總理連任。


Canada (IPA: /?k?n?d?/) is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area,[2] and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.

The lands have been inhabited for millennia by aboriginal peoples. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored and later settled the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada became a federal dominion.[3][4][5] A gradual process of independence from the United Kingdom moved Canada towards statehood and culminated in the Canada Act 1982, severing the last vestiges of dependence on the British parliament.

A federation now comprising ten provinces and three territories, Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual and multicultural country, with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. Technologically advanced and industrialized, Canada maintains a diversified economy that is heavily reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade―particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship.


In 1867, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia formed a confederation. On July 1, 1867, the British North America Act declared Canada a country. We celebrate Canada's national day on July 1 as Canada Day. The name Canada originally came from a First Nations' word kanata meaning village. Later, European map makers changed it to Canada to identify all the land north of the St. Lawrence River. In 1965, we adopted the red and white flag with the maple leaf as our official flag.

Queen Elizabeth II of England is still Canada's Head of State, and until 1982 Canada could not make any changes to its constitution without the approval of the British Government. In 1982 the Constitution Act came into effect, which allows Canada to make these changes without British approval. We made the Charter of Rights and Freedoms part of the Constitution in 1982. The Official Languages Act protects English and French, the two official languages in Canada.

Canada is the second largest country in the world with 10 million square kilometres of land mass. The country has a population of approximately 30 million people. Three oceans border the country - the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic. Due to its size, there are many different geographical areas and regions. We divide these into the following: the Atlantic region, Central Canada, the Prairie Provinces, the West Coast and the North. We divide the country into 10 provinces and 3 territories each with its own capital. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

People from 150 different countries call Canada home. The first people who lived in Canada were the aboriginals, the native people of Canada. They are separated into three distinct groups: First Nations who lived in all areas of Canada, the Inuit who lived in the northern region, and the Metis who are descendants of First Nations women and English and French fur traders.


1. What is the date of Canada's national day?

2. What are the two official languages in Canada?

3. What is the capital of Canada?

4. Is Candada the biggest country in the world?

5. How many oceans border Canada?



Canada general situation

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Country name: Canada (Canada)

Independent Japan: July 1 (1867)

National Day: July 1 (1867)

National flag: Ratio of assuming the horizontal stroke rectangle , strong point and width is 2 : 1. Flag face centre is that the white square , the inner red maple leaf having one piece of 11 angles; Equal for two red of two flanks erects a rectangle. The white square represents extensive territory of Canada , annual snow cover of the large area territory expects Canada very much above the 100 day, therefore using white to indicate that; Vertical two red rectangles represent the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean respectively , the west is close to the Pacific Ocean because of Canada, east face Atlantic Ocean; The red maple leaf represents entire Canada people , Canada usually good reputation having the country of maple leaf , maple is to owe the national country a tree , the maple leaf is a Canada nation's symbol.

National emblem: 1921 work out, pattern centre is peltate , the shield is a three piece of maple leaf on the lower part face to face; Four group pattern of upper part is respectively: Aureate three lion , a red lion standing straight, a handful harp and three lilies, symbolize that Canada composes in reply with England , Scotland , Ireland the connection between France on in history respectively. The shield emblem has a lion to be lifting one piece of red maple leaf on that, now that Canada nation symbol , mourning for also indicating that to Canadian victim of Great War period. Of lion is one most aureate royal crown , symbolizes that UK Queen is the Canadian head of state. Peltate left side lion is enumerating a United Kingdom's national flag , alone piece of the right side beast is enumerating a French lily of plain flag. The bottom uses Latin to be writing from ocean to ocean on the whole course of ribbon , indicate that the Canadian geographic location west is close to the Pacific Ocean, east face Atlantic Ocean.

National anthem: Canadian national anthem is composed music by card force sand ? Lawalei , Aduoerfu ? Bessie ? Lutier assumes word, be sung first in 1880. The national anthem words of song former only have French, 1908, Robert ? Stanley ? Weier has written the English word. And the government announces Oh Canada on July 1 , 1980 , Canada is formal national anthem, have held national anthem in capital Ottawa naming ceremony. Therefore, Canadian national anthem has United Kingdom-France two kinds words of song.

Country tree: Maple , Canada usually good reputation having the maple leaf country .

Political affairs needs the country: Governor-General Michelle ? dodges (Michaelle Jean) , holds a post in September , 2005, tenure of office 5 years; Prime Minister Sidiren ? Hapo (Stephen Harper), is elected in January , 2006 , swears an oath to take the office of in February.

Physical geography: Area is second occupy the world 9984670 square kilometers. Be located in North America (besides getting rid of Alaska Peninsula and lattice edge orchid Island in the north part, the entire north half is Canada territory without exception). East face Atlantic Ocean , the west being close to the Pacific Ocean , Notogaea U.S. local , north be near to the Arctic Ocean. Border on American Alaska in the northwest, northeast China take a look at each other across Baffin Bay and the Greenland island. The coastline is about more than 20,000 kilometres long. In the , for the closed country , the southern part and USA have a common border, Da Hu prepares sage Laurence area , even , many basin of physical feature of a place. Western part is Kedilela mountain area , is maximal area of Canada, above a lot of peak being in rising 4000 meters. Be a North Pole archipelago in the north part , most probably be a low mountain of hills. Central section is plain area. The high mountain Luogen peak, is located in western part Rocky mountain chain most, height be 5951 meters. Canada is one of the most country of in the world lake. The area affecting , enlarging a part because of accepting west wind belongs to the continental temperate zone coniferous forest climate. The air temperature is slightly low east , the southern part climate is moderate , western part a temperate climate is moist, be the cold zone tundra climate in the north part. North Pole archipelago , the age at which one dies Jack Frost. Canadian where to be member of in winter?

Much maple, arrives at autumn Canada within the territory every time, maple leaf all over the mountains and plains or assume an orange, or obvious bright red, bonfire burning just like piles, Canada good reputation having the country of maple leaf therefore. The upper maple leaf of Red Ensign has represented Canadian cherishing to the maple leaf.

Population: 31,610,000 (2006). The among them , of UK descent resident accounts for 42% , the resident of French descent accounts for 26.7% about , European descendant accounts for 13% other , the aboriginal (Indian , rice mention person and the Yinniute people) accounts for 3% about , the others is Asia , Latin-America , Africa borderland etc.Foreign citizen of Chinese origin population among them already accounts for 3.5% of population Canada is general , becomes the minority maximal Canada races borderland , is the maximal race borderland outside white race and aborigin. 25%'s people is to be born in Canada native country in foreign citizen of Chinese origin population , the others major part come from Chinese mainland , Hong Kong and Taiwan. English and French surname are official language. The resident is hit by believing in Catholic accounting for 47.3%, Zhan believing Protestant 41.2%. Canada takes Chinese as mother tongue population breaking million

Capital: Ottawa (Ottawa), is located in Ontario. Capital area 1,128,900 (2002), covers an area of 4662 square kilometers (including the Ontario Ottawa city , Quebec province Hel City and whose vicinity city and town) population. Main city: Toronto , Vancouver.

Administrative divisions: Be allotted 10 provinces and three area throughout the country. 10 provinces are: Alberta province , British Columbia , Manitoba , New Brunswick , Newfoundland- Labuladuo province , Nova Scotia , Ontario , Prince Edward Island province , Quebec province , Saskatchewan. Three area is: Northwest Territories , Yukon Territory and exceptional area of Nunawu. Every province sets up parliament who has the provincial government and chooses the province coming into being. Exceptional area of Nunawu is to set up formally on April 1 , 1999 , self manages by Yinniute people.

Canada Capitol

Brief history: One Canada word Luoyang easy to produce Xiulun head language, intention is a village , concubine or hut . France explorer Kadiai comes here in 1435 , ask Indian this place that the name , the sheik reply Canada, mean the neighbouring village. Kadiai thinks erroneously being to point to entire area , is called herefrom just Canada. Another statement is that Portugal explorer Keerteleier comes here in 1500, sees a desolate , convenient doctrine Canada! Intention is here what also not . Indian and the Yinniute people (Eskimo) are the earliest resident of Canada. Canada becomes about 1 secondary centuries batch, France-United Kingdom colony. 1756 periods in 1763, United Kingdom-France Seven Years' War , France are defeated in Canada outburst , are cede the colony to United Kingdom. In 1848 English has been set up the autonomous rule government by the North America colony. Houses of Parliament passes the Britain North America proposed law on July 1 , 1867, the province , New Brunswick and promise gas Keshe province merge Canada into a federation , becomes a earliest dominion of United Kingdom , calls Canada dominion. Henceforth the province joins federation other also in succession till 1949 in 1870. United Kingdom admits the Canadian equal footing in 1926 , Canada begins obtaining independent right of diplomacy. Canada has become British Commonwealth of Nations member state in 1931, whose parliament has also gained equal legislative power of same English parliament. Quebecer Party has brought forward the independent request Quebec problem in 1967 , has been Party's turn to be victorious in province election in 1976. Only that a problem in 1980 Quebec has held being independent being related referendum , the result opposer is in the majority, and solve not finally. United Kingdom Upper House and Lower House have passed Canada constitution proposed law in March , 1982 , the proposed law has gone into effect approved by empress in April , Canada has gained all legislation authority with compiling constitution herefrom.

Canada Prime Minister moves towards a capitation to Chinese formal apologize Canada Chinese comments on capitation redress: Late come but necessary apologizing

Canada daughter soldier

Politics: Canada do not have entire one constitution so far, what the proposed law composes mainly from constitution passing in one by one different history period, include the Amendment to the Constitution, and 1982 passing in Canada parliament in 1982 passing , passing in 1975 in 1867- in Houses of Parliament in 1867 constitution proposed law among them. According to constitution, Canada puts federation parliamentary system into practice , the head of state is an United Kingdom empress, the empress is in control of country's administrative power by Governor-General representative. Governor-General is mentioned a fate by Prime Minister , the empress appoints as. Federal parliament is country supreme power and a legislature , is composed of Senate and House of Representatives , impeaches numerous two yard queens by the fact that the proposed law is signed by Governor-General becoming a law. Governor-General is entitled to call and dissolve parliament. The government is cabinet system , is actuating mechanism. The political party forms a cabinet , whose leader assumes a post of Prime Minister , leads a cabinet from holding major seats's in House of Representatives. Governor-General makes Canada

Canada Buchate garden

Economy: Canada is one of seven big west industrial country , manufacturing industry and high technology estate are more developed , resource industry , elementary manufacturing industry and agriculture are also main national economy pillar. Canada founds a state with trade , is dependent on to foreign capital , foreign trade very big. The Canada region is vast , forest , mineral resources , the sources of energy etc. are abound in natural resources. Mineral has a more than 60 kind , nickel , zinc , platinum , the asbestus output among them rank first in the world, the uranium , gold , cadmium , bismuth , gupse occupy second worlds. Output such as copper , iron , lead , potassium , sulphur , cobalt , chromium, Mu is rich. The Abota province is rich in oil sand , the reserves exploiting are 400 billion barrels but , account for 17% of output the whole nation petroleum, the Xinkelude oil field is a maximal world oil placer. The crude oil reserves already ascertaining that are 8 billion barrels. Forest is abound in natural resources , the area covering amounts to 4,400,000 square kilometers, produce material forest covers an area of 2,860,000 square kilometers , account for 44% and 29% of area the whole nation territory respectively; Wood always accumulates amounts being 17,230,000,000 steres. Export large amount of wood , fibreboard and news-printing paper every year. Metal smelt industry with petroleum, the paper making gives first place to, the agriculture gives first place to wheat kind , cultivate crops such as wheat , barley , linen , oat , rapeseed , maize mainly. Arable land area takes up the whole nation land about covering an area of 16% , cultivated area makes an appointment with 68 million hectares among them already , takes up the whole nation land covering an area of 8%. Add territory have covering about 80,000 square kilometers from talking about water in area, freshwater resources accounts for 9% of the world. That the fishery is very developed , 75%'s fishing product exports to, is that the maximal fish product exports the country in the world. Add tourist trade also very in a developed state , arrange a name in the maximal country of world tour income ninth. Canada is basic

News media: Common 110 dailies , a newspaper in English have mainly the Toronto star reports ; Countrywide two dailies the Globe and Mail , country Post ; Main French newspaper has Montreal daily . The magazine has 1300 kinds , the main magazine has Mac Linsi , Newsweek. Main News Agency has Canada News Agency , the daily owns commonly , is set up in 1917 by 110. Still have Suosem News Agency and Canada United Press International etc. besides. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is to add main state-operated one countrywide broadcasting station , telecast company , building-up in 1936 , use UK , French to be on the air to in the homeland, that coverage rates reach the whole nation population 99.4%; The international broadcast station that a company is built on 1945 , is uses 11 kinds language including the Chinese language to broadcast. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television station owns the UK , French television network being composed of 31 television stations, that coverage rates reach the whole nation population 99.2%. Besides, the main private television station has Canada television station (countrywide television station who is that English broadcasts) , global television station (be a provincialism English television station) and the four seasons television station (be a provincialism French television station).

Diplomacy: Canada places the outlook on values defending world peace and national security , promoting economic growth , on a global scale, driving democratic and respecting human rights , propagating to add culture in whose first place of foreign policy. USA is that Canadian the main allied country , both countries relation are close , adds the all previous government face to face beautiful relation is laid bare in preferential foreign policy position.

And Chinese relation: Friendship of China-Canada both countries people goes back to ancient times. Evidence history records , Canada and Chinese trade contacts start from 1780, have arrived at about 1 ends of the century, Cantonese silk , the Hangzhou tea and the Jing De Zhen City china sell Canada right away far, Colombian Britain fur and wood also transportation and sale China. Chinese democratic revolution forerunner Mr. Sun Yat-sen Vancouver having had been in Canada three time. Canada Dr. great champion of internationalism Bethune who aids China resist Japanese invasion leads a medical team to arrive in Chinese resisting Japanese invasion on 1938 fight with front, have contributed self precious life for liberation of the Chinese People cause. Self adds both countries in October 1 , 1970, since establishing diplomatic relations. Economy and trade frequently, is expanding by leaps and bounds smooth , amicable exchange of bilateral relations development. In October , 2003, Canada Prime Minister Keleidian is invited to carry out an official visit on China. In January , 2003, Premier Wen Jia Bao carries out an official visit on Canada. In January , 2005, Canada Prime Minister Martin carries out an official visit on China , both countries announces joint statement. Chinese country chairman Hu Jin Tao carries out a state visit on Canada in September , 2005, this is that the Chinese head of state visits Canada first during the past 8 years. According to Chinese Customs's statistics, the China-Canada bilateral trade total amounts to 15,510,000,000 U. S. dollar in 2004 , increases by 55% compared with the same period of the last year. By January , 2004, the direct investments of Canada in China project amounts to more than 7,900, committed investment volume more than 14,000,000,000 U. S. dollar , real investment about about 400,000,000 U. S. dollar. China amounts to 173 also already in increasing an investment project , the amount of capital invested amounts to 467 million U. S. dollar.

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